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International Subsidiary Banking

Our International Subsidiary Group (ISG) units support businesses, corporates and financial institutions with international banking solutions.

As one of the biggest financial service groups in Europe, and one of the leading service groups in our four Nordic home markets (Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden), we’re in a strong position to provide the necessary banking solutions and tools to ensure your subsidiary businesses function efficiently.

The benefits of our international subsidiary banking solutions

✓ Single point of entry solution to the Nordic market

✓ Assistance when expanding your business across the Nordics

✓ Smooth onboarding

✓ Streamlined banking across the Nordics

✓ Cross-border services

✓ Customer service in English and the Nordic languages

✓ Documentation in English and the Nordic languages

✓ Use of Nordea’s Nordic network

✓ A true Nordea banking experience

What can we help you with?

Running a business outside of your home country, with multiple subsidiaries and accounts, can quickly become overwhelming. 

Our ISG units offer assistance with commercial banking for new and existing businesses and act as a gateway to the Nordic market for corporate clients. 

We aim to make everyday banking easier for international corporate customers and provide cross-border services to aid the development of your business overseas.

Our international subsidiary banking offering

With international subsidiary banking services, the ISG units provide Nordea clients with a superior banking experience in the Nordics. We offer tailormade solutions for your subsidiary’s specific needs, aiming to optimize your finances and aid business growth. 

We assist companies with opening new accounts and accessing services across our four local markets. Our customers enjoy the constant support of ISG units across the Nordics. 

Both parent companies and subsidiaries alike benefit from smooth onboarding, streamlined banking, cross-border services and access to a Nordic network, all while receiving advice from our team of international banking business experts. We also offer first-class foreign exchange and hedging solutions.


Are you eligible for ISG solutions?

Are you looking to set up a business in Denmark, Finland, Norway or Sweden? Are you planning to expand your company into the Nordic market? 

Our international subsidiary banking offering is well suited to all international corporate customers and Nordic businesses seeking to expand into another Nordic country that need help establishing the right global business banking solutions.  

You are eligible for ISG’s international subsidiary banking solutions if:

  • You are part of a Nordic or multinational corporate group
  • You do business and have business partners in the local market

Why choose Nordea?

We have nearly 200 years of experience in the Nordic banking business. Our team works tirelessly to bring all our customers the best possible service.

We understand that the success of cross-border businesses and global corporate banking depends on the network you enter, and how well you manage it. 

So, whether you’re a first-time customer looking to enjoy the full support of Nordea’s banking services and resources or a new business owner looking to build a long-lasting relationship, here at Nordea we’re committed to your financial needs across the Nordics.